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Unlock the Power of the Stock Market







Why are some investors so successful
while others consistently lose money?

What if I told you there are 3 Keys you need in order to unlock profit in the stock market? 

Key 1: Selecting the best quality stocks to invest in

Key 2: Strategies that make money regardless if the market is going up or down

Key 3: Protecting your account long-term while consistently making profit

Failure to have these keys means you will be investing aimlessly, with no real wins, wasting a ton of time and money just guessing at which trades would be “good” or profitable.

Honestly? That’s why so many people think that the stock market is not for them. Or that it doesn’t work.

You know it works, you’ve seen millionaires and even billionaires come from the stock market.

You just need to understand how to find the right trades at the right time to make it work for YOU.

Sure, you can spend countless hours watching random YouTube videos, trying to piece together a strategy. You can test out theories from random “gurus” and learn the stock market by trial and error (all the while your account is dwindling and other investors are making money without you)

OR you can attain access to these keys to success in one place, with experienced coaches to ask questions to and a community of supporters to cheer you on.

In fact, here's some examples of our members who made profit using the same keys:

Here's how Power Trades University is going to
give you the keys to stock market success:

To succeed
in the stock market,

you have to find the best stocks and use the best strategies 

Most people...

Have no clue where to begin
They don't know how to open an account, or know which one is best. There's a lot of noise from YouTubers, financial "gurus", TikTokers that can leave you feeling stuck and paralyzed from taking the first step to get started
Pick the cheapest stock they can afford
The problem is: the cheapest doesn't mean it's the best. I've seen new traders pick companies they could buy a lot of shares of, not thinking about how cheap stocks usually go to zero.
Pick stocks that are over-hyped in the news and Reddit
This is what we call the "casino method" - it's just gambling. It's a silent killer because by the time everyone is talking about it, you're usually too late to invest in it because the big money has already been made.

But we give you:

Confidence to take your first
trading steps

No more piecing together random media. Get step by step guidance on the best brokerage account to use and get started on one of the greatest ways to build wealth
The blueprint to finding the best stocks for your account
It's not about buying the most stocks with the money you have, but it's about buying the best stocks with the money you have.
The way to find quality, lasting, and profitable stocks 
By doing fundamental research and finding predictable, repeatable patterns - we show you how to find quality stocks that have a high probability of going up and a low chance of going out of business. You increase your chance of making profit, while decreasing your stress.

Are you the type of person who
wants to takes charge of their financial future?

Are you going to be the person who invests in themselves, knowing that with a little guidance,
you can take charge of your finances and develop a plan to grow your account safely?
Do you see yourself and your family as people worth fighting a better life for?
Do you not only want to survive your retirement phase of life, but thrive financially?
Are you satisfied with what you can give generationally, or do you want to change it for the better?
Are you ready to take the keys of stock market success and unlock the future for yourself?

If that's you, I'm ready and willing to be your coach...

Inside of Power Trades University, I simply hand you my step-by-step process
to finding the right investments at the right time for your specific needs and goals.

It's not out of reach for you, it's a blueprint to financial success
that myself and many other members have been able to follow. 

Join the thousands around the world who are changing their financial future - without being in front of the computer all day

The courses, coaching, community, and trade alert program you need to succeed


Stop piecing random videos together.
These are 5 Courses that give you step-by-step guidance on how to open your investing account, how to understand the best times to enter and exit investments, how to use call and put option strategies to profit even when the market is down, and strategies that will help grow and keep your account safe long-term


Those who don't have a coach have a higher chance of failure and blowing up their account.
Meet online with fellow traders and your coach every week to communicate questions and gain potential trade ideas. Get the best strategies to use for what's happening in the stock market right now, while gaining helpful trading tips.


Trading alone is a bad idea and leaves room for simple mistakes.
Be a part of the community to post questions throughout the week and gain valuable insights from like-minded traders from around the world.


Save countless hours trying to find the next trade.
Even if you work a full time job and have other commitments, you will be able to participate in potential trades because we send the entry and exit strategy right to your phone.



The Ultimate Beginners Bundle 
The Foundations Course
The Options Explained course
The Advanced Options Course
Master Classes
Live Weekly Group Coaching calls
Group Coaching session replays
6 different trading rooms and the community
Access to 5-Year Millionaire trade alerts 

$3,999 $2,499/year

*SAVE 22% with annual*

- OR -

$1,999 $999 Join Fee +$199/month


Join the community of members changing their
financial future:

"I have been trading the market for quite some time, however
I was not really successful. Now following the PTU
[Power Trades University] instructions and approach
I have been able to double my money in just four weeks. It is definitely a wonderful feeling and just the beginning.
Thank you Mr. Brown."

Kim H.

"All I can say is Thank You, Jason Brown and Power Trades team for the education that I'm getting that I couldn't find anywhere else

I appreciate the way Jason breaks everything down and builds on previous lessons in a way that I can understand."

Timothy S.

"Power trades University is an awesome community… A solid group of good traders and everyone always seems to be willing to assist you with any questions. It offers plenty of well-produced educational materials, videos and live meetings as well. A trader can go from a beginner to a master trader by becoming part of Power trades University."

Debra P.

"It has been a great journey. I have definitely learned to control my emotions and make better trading decisions... 

I highly recommend [Jason Brown's Power Trades University] program to everyone I know that wants to take their trading to the next level and beyond!"


With a passion for personal growth and a commitment to empowering individuals, we invite you to benefit from our team's collective knowledge as you embark on your financial journey.

We've helped thousands of traders around the world 

We are dedicated to supporting you in every way possible so that you can reach your financial goals.

Jason Brown 

Jason Brown 







Frequently asked questions

Why is this program so successful?

We have developed a system over 15+ years that works for beginner traders and advanced traders. The methods we teach can be used at any level.

And because we have live calls mixed in with pre-recorded modules - you are able to go at your own pace while getting the support you need.

What are the trading rooms like?

We have 8+ trading discussion rooms - that all cover a specific investing topic. You can ask questions throughout the week and post trading ideas, so you are never trading alone. 

Also our coaches chime in, so you are gaining feedback from around the world traders AND experienced coaches.

Why do I have to book a call instead of just joining?

Like any University, we have an "application" process - so to speak. Our qualified team members will discuss any questions you have about the program and see how we can best help you reach your financial goals. In the brief call, we ensure its a good fit for you and for us. By the end of the call you will have your next steps outlined.

How quickly will I start trading?

Every member is different and has a different amount of time to dedicate to learning how to invest and trade. We give the education and knowledge to start either practice or real trading within the first course. The program contains everything you need to place your first trade within 2-4 weeks of joining, but it's up to you to go through the materials and start.

Who is this program for? 

This program is for every single level of trader and investor.

We take you from brand new beginner to master trader.

If you have been trading or investing for awhile, we level up your skills and knowledge to direction neutral strategies and how to leverage your accounts better.

Need Support?
Contact us at info@powertradesuniversity.com or Call 248-918-2909

Already a member?
Login Here: Member Login
Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions |Refund Policy

The Brown Report LLC/Power trades University
20836 Hall Rd. Suite 129 Clinton Township, MI. 48038

Investing involves substantial risk. No guarantee or other promise of performance or as to any results may be obtained from use of this information. The information provided herein is for educational purposes only and are only the ideas of the author with no guarantee of the outcome of such ideas. While past performance and/or references to potential future performance may be referenced or analyzed, past performance should not be considered indicative of future performance and references to potential future performance are only the opinion of the author and should not be relied upon without first conducting your own research and due diligence. No subscriber should make any investment decision without first conducting his or her own research and due diligence, including carefully reviewing the charts related to such security as well as the prospectus and any and all other public filings of the issuer of any security. The information provided is based upon and obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, none of the information obtained or relied upon has been independently verified or otherwise investigated.

© Power Trades University and The Brown Report LLC. All Rights Reserved.