Terms & Conditions
Please read our terms of use, risk, and information disclaimer below
Do not share your logon passwords and user names. Our system is designed to detect this immediately, and suspend any account where more than one person signs on using the same username and password.
Do not reprint, republish, repost, or otherwise distribute or transmit content or images presented on this site. Downloading is easy, but just because you may be able to copy our content doesn't mean you own it. All editorial content and graphics on this site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied or re-used without the express written permission of TheBrownReport.com, which reserves all rights. Unauthorized use of or copying of our content, trademarks, and other proprietary material can subject you to civil or even criminal liability. Please do not violate our copyright.
No advertising, trading of goods or services, or other commercial use is allowed. No soliciting members, no advertising your stock trading service advice, course, website. Any acts that appear to be soliciting, private messaging members for the purpose of selling goods, products, referring to affiliate programs or any other form of sales could result in an immediate strike three. No bulk e-mail, junk mail or spam, chain letters, or repeat postings of the same message is permitted anywhere on the forums.
Please use your own name when posting to the discussion forums. Do not impersonate anyone else.
Treat other subscribers with courtesy and respect when posting messages to the discussion groups. No unnecessary name calling or abuse toward any subscriber is allowed.
Please avoid shouting (using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) in the discussion forums.
Do not use vulgarity, obscenity, profanity, ethnic slurs, hate speech, or sexually explicit language, or harass, abuse, or threaten other subscribers in the discussion forums. Do not libel or defame others. We are all adults, and an occasional "hell" or "damn" won't ruffle too many feathers, but there is really no need for it. Members who post messages with profanity or obscenity will have their membership terminated under the Three Strike Rule described below.
- Three Strike Rule: similar to baseball. Strike 1 violation of any of the rules will result in a warning, perhaps you did not read the rules and was just unaware. Strike 2 will result in a second warning and or possible ban from the private Facebook groups and or forum. Strike 3. You're out your access to any and all forums will be revoked and in certain circumstances your access to the course content will be revoked without receiving any refunds or credits for purchase for violating our rules and terms and conditions. Certain violations such as sharing passwords, attempting to republish and distribute content and other violations may be considered an immediate strike 3.
When you post content in the discussion forums, you permit this site to display and distribute the content, and to use it for advertising and promotion. You grant to this site the complete, perpetual, but non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, sub-license, etc. the content in whole or in part, throughout the world and universe, on a royalty-free basis.
We do not try to edit or to monitor messages posted on the discussion forums, but we reserve the right to edit or remove objectionable postings. The person posting a message is solely responsible for it, not this site. Violators may be permanently banned from using the forums, or even have their subscriptions terminated.
TheBrownReport.com is active 52-weeks each year. Jason Brown publishes articles, tutorials and market commentary for a total of 48 weeks each year. Jason will take up to a total of 4 weeks of vacation throughout the year.
Cancelation and Refund Policy
REFUND AND CANCELLATION POLICY for Power Trades University Group Coaching Porgram and All Access Courses + Coaching program
Power Trades University Group Coaching program and the Courses + Coaching program has a monthly recurring subscription. As a recurring member, you will be automatically renewed at your original subscription rate until you cancel. (Note: While subscription rates are increased from time-to-time, we honor your initial rate so long as you remain an active paying member). If you become inactive you may rejoin at the current subscription rates.
You may cancel your subscription at any time, which will become effective upon your renewal date. Your cancellation does not preclude you from accessing premium content. Instead, you will continue to have access to all materials and information until your current subscription ends.
60-day "Pausing" Grace Period - You can choose to "pause" your monthly recurring subscription fee for up to 60-days. This will allow you to resume your monthly payments without the enrollment join fee. After the 60-day grace period, your membership will be considered "cancelled", and to become an active member again you will need to purchase the enrollment fee at the current rate plus the monthly subscription, which would go into effect 30 days after purchase.
Methods of Cancellation: You may cancel by emailing us at least 2 business days prior to your renewal date and request that your account be cancelled.
The Brown Report Offers a money-back guarantee for Group Coaching which is stipulated upon the following terms:
We want you to be satisfied by the programs you are a part of, but we also want you to give your best effort in attaining the results and putting into practice the education from the program.
Therefore, the money-back guarantee is contingent upon these terms:
In order to qualify for a refund, you must submit proof that you followed the education taught in the program and that it did not work for you. If you decide that this program was not the right decision for you, you can submit your proof to support@powertradesuniversity.com by the 60th day of your purchase.
If you do not submit your work, or it is submitted past the 60-days, you will not be granted a refund of the enrollment fee nor the monthly subscription.
The work that you need to submit to receive a refund includes ALL of the following items:
Refunds for any special deals, including the "Market-Making-Me-Crazy" Deal - No refunds will be given. Immediate access is granted and highly discounted. However, you may cancel at any time by emailing the Brown Report 2 days before payment is due, and you may remain in the program the remainder of the payment period.
The Brown Report offers a money-back guarantee which is stipulated upon the following terms:
We want you to be satisfied by the courses you purchase, but we also want you to give your best effort in attaining the results and putting into practice the education from the courses.
Therefore, the money-back guarantee is contingent upon these terms:
In order to qualify for a refund, you must submit proof that you followed the education taught in the course and that it did not work for you. If you decide that the course purchase was not the right decision for you, you can submit your proof to support@powertradesuniversity.com by the 30th day past your purchase. If you do not submit your work, or it is submitted past the 30-days, you will not be granted a refund.
The work that you need to submit to receive a refund includes ALL of the following items:
-Screenshots of 3 Trades in your account that you opened and closed AFTER you purchased the course that did not work (each trade closed out in the negative amount)
- For those who purchased the Foundations course: Your FILLED OUT Trade Ticket (found in the Foundations course) for each trade you placed, which follows the steps taught in the course
-For those who purchased the Options Explained course: Proof that you followed the trading rules found in the Options Explained course including: How many open interests were in the option chain, what the delta was, when your entry and exit points were, your "I'm Wrong" level, and how many contracts you purchased.
-A copy of your trading statement of how much money you put to work in the trades and how much you profited or lost (We value your privacy, PLEASE do not include your trading account number)
All work submitted within the 30-days of purchased will be evaluated to determine if a refund should be granted. If you do not submit proof or it exceeds the 30-days, we will not process a refund for you, as this breaks the refund policy.
Privacy Policy
This policy covers how TheBrownReport.com and PowerTradesUniversity.com treats personal information that TheBrownReport.com and PowerTradesUniversity.com (as well as its subsidiaries and/or other web properties) collects and receives. Personal information is information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, email address, or phone number, and that is not otherwise publicly available. The Brown Report LLC collects personal information when you register anywhere on TheBrownReport.com. We ask for information such as your full name, full address, email address and phone number. Once you register with TheBrownReport.com and sign in to our website, you are not anonymous to us. By becoming a member of TheBrownReport.com, you are giving us the permission to contact you via telephone (voice broadcast/live person), text message (SMS-standard messaging rates apply-contact your carrier for details), email, direct mail and by any means necessary. The Brown Report LLC automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser, including your IP address, cookie information, and the page you request. The Brown Report LLC uses information for the following general purposes: to personalize the content you see, fulfill your requests, contact you, and to improve our services. We limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs. WE DO NOT SHARE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION WITH ANY OTHER PARTIES. We may place a cookie on your personal computer. A cookie is a small computer file that our computer sends to your computer and that your computer sends back to us each time you make a request from our site. Cookies help us recognize you when you visit our site again. 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This website specifically denies access to any individual that is covered by the Child Online Privacy Act (COPA) of 1998. This website reserves the right to deny access to any person or viewer for any reason. Under the terms of the privacy policy, which you accept as a condition for viewing, the website is allowed to collect and store data and information for the purpose of exclusion and for many other uses. The terms of use agreement may change from time to time. Visitors have an affirmative duty, as part of the consideration for permission to view this website, to keep themselves informed of changes. Viewers, users, or customers, collectively referred to herein as "Visitors," are parties to this agreement. The website (www.TheBrownReport.com) and its owners and/or operators are parties to this agreement, herein referred to as "Website." Unless you have entered into an express written contract with this website to the contrary, visitors have no right to use this information in a commercial or public setting; they have no right to broadcast it, copy it, save it, print it, sell it, or publish any portions of the content of this website. By viewing the contents of this website you agree this condition of viewing and you acknowledge that any unauthorized use is unlawful and may subject you to civil or criminal penalties. The website and its contents are owned or licensed by the website. Material contained on the website must be presumed to be proprietary and copyrighted. Visitors have no rights whatsoever in the site content. Use of website content for any reason is unlawful unless it is done with express contract or permission of the website. The website disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the content of this website. Visitors assume the all risk of viewing, reading, using, or relying upon this information. 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These are the terms and conditions of The Brown Report LLC and all of its courses products and brands including but not limited to Power Stock Trades, Power Trades University, Power Stock Options. These Terms and Conditions may change without any notice to you the user.